Friday, June 7, 2024

Blade 2024 Day 1

 It’s Friday and it’s opening day for the Blade Show and as usual, the administrative side is a complete cock-up  There are no officials outside the building where the attendees are stationed organizing them.  You have the early birds, who should be inside at 10 am but seemed to be wandering around unable to find an entrance.  There are the peasants, like myself, some of which picked up their passes and should be in a line to get in.  Then there are the poor souls who need to get to the will call desk or the purchase desk to get passes.  Lacking direction there is no organization and many lines form simply because someone stopped to check their ticket.

We picked up our wrist bands the night before and with Karen’s new knee we were not about to stand in the hot Georgia morning sun while the officials played a game of switch.  That’s one thumb in your ass the other in your mouth.  You switch thumbs on command until you get a funny taste.  Some had been playing that game for a while. 

Inside, Blade Magazine eliminated any free space where there used to be chairs to sit and packed in additional booths.  It’s all about mo’ money, buddy.  A friend of ours confided their large booth cost $6K and an additional $100 for Wi-Fi.

Anyway, the knife show is amazing.

Benchmade is here, but they don’t bring catalogs or knives to sell.  “We’re on the internet,” they tell you.  “We’re not interested in that filthy green stuff called cash.”

It used to be you could find deals on new knives and some of the collectibles.  You can, but nothing is cheap.  It’s too late for you to attend this year.  Unless you know someone you can stay with, the hotels are sold out!  But next year, leave half the clothes at home, bring twice the money.  Maybe three times….

I'm too important to be bothered by the likes of you, but I want you to know that I'm important.

There are plenty of people and you’ll see all kinds. I ran in to three guys, I think, covered head to foot in either black or white fabric, wearing masks and hats.  I assume they are famous, or something, and don’t want to be bothered by fans.  But they don’t want to give up the attention either.

I like the red and blue patchy coloration on these Case knives.

You’ll find every and any kind of knife here.  I’m not a big fan of Case, but I really like some of the new handles.

I stopped at Pro Tech and bought one of the special one-of-a-kind knives. I couldn’t resist.  

ProTech SBR Micarta 

Karen found a Vosteed she couldn’t resist.


Vosteed Thunderbird   I like the green and black handle and so does Karen.

Here’s a few photos and comments.

The opening day crowd is light, compared to Saturday.  One vendor told me she thinks of Saturday as the buying day.

The feathers in the clear resin are striking!

Knives, knives, knives, gotta get me a whole bunch!

Keep an eye on CRKT.  They have two new autos and a line of limited production, like this Pursue.  The image can't convey how icey this knife is!

A Blade show special from Hawk Knife.  It's a clever razor blade holder.
I asked, "How much?"
Them, "475."
Me, "Just to be clear, that's four hundred and seventy-five dollars."
Them, "Yup!"

So high end, there's no price.  If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Soon to be released TOPS Knives,  They still need a little tweaking.

But frankly, there is so much to see.  You’ll find people posting for the next six months.  If you’re not into knives, well, people-watching at Blade is a specialty. 

I can’t wait for tomorrow!


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