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The sunglasses don't bother me, but the coffee cup seems so damn disrespectful! |
You've seen the picture. No? Well, look up.
Our Commander-in-Chief returning a salute to his honor guard with a coffee cup, WTF!
I don’t like President Obama. I don’t think he’s the right man for the job and I look forward to voting for what I hope will be a better man or woman.
BUT, he fills the office of the Presidency and the office deserves a measure of respect from every American. Respect cuts both ways. The Marines that serve as President Obama’s honor guard take an oath as do all of our enlisted men and women.
“I (state name), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United stated against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to the regulations and uniform code of Military Justice, so help me God.”
That’s a pretty powerful oath and there’s no expiration date. I respect those Marines; they volunteered to take that oath. I was born an American citizen, just like the President. I’m not required to take an oath. In fact in some circles the idea of taking an oath of loyalty is considered uncultured and a trespass on intellectual freedom.
I need a cup of coffee as much and sometimes more than the next guy. But even I would ditch that cup to ensure I could return that salute.
Let’s get right out to edge of life, where our vision is the sharpest and ask the question that needs to be answered.
If our Commander–in-Chief shows so little respect to men and women he commands, what must he think of us?